morning Echos of Zion

*Morning Echos of Zion* 
Ephesians 3:20.Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all what we ask or think, According to the power at work within us ...
God is great than what we see, think or even envisionalize. The problem we have is that we try to limit the working of God in our lives. 
And even He has given us the power to work on some circumstances. There is a power which works within us that magnifies and triggers God to do . But we take to be reluctant in our lives not recognise the power in us.
Imgn the power of beginning is within you . That what you want to achieve just know your able stop demeaning yourself and you will see yourself to a level you never expected of . 
Today is a day God is speaking to us to listen to the power of inner man what He is telling us to begin and do .
Stop being lazy or reluctant and begin it , make that step, make that move . God will magnify it . You have to be having or doing something which God will be manifested in. 
Peter before being called where fishermen and now they became fishers of men . Ask moses He had a staff at His hand which could be used to do greatly but He never knew of it until God empowered Him to know what He carried . 
This morning trigger that power which works within you and God will be able to do greatly and more powerful than you think of ..
Your capable just do the necessary Hallelujah.
 *Morning Echos of Zion* 
Good morning and win today .
Blessed day ahead


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